
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


pss:dating one person simultaneously.

a/n: so, this should be interesting as i'm not good at developing characters that are different from each other.

george throws the front door open and lets it slam shut with a bang. he throws his bags on the floor and flops onto the couch.

"jeri?" he calls. "jeri, i'm home!"

his wife answers with a giggle from behind a door. george sits up straight, instantly hyperaware that jeri isn't actually home.

"melissa? that's you in that closet, isn't it?"

the door bursts open and george's wife (or, more like another person in jeri's body) spills out of the enclosure in a wave of childish giggles and red, wavy hair.

"george! george, hi! i was playing hide-and-seek!"

george forces a smile.

"who were you hiding from, meli?"

melissa's eyebrows knit together.

"umm.... i think i was hiding from janine?"

george nods, pretending to understand.

"ah, i see. where's janine?"

melissa's head suddenly lulls to the side, her eyes glazed over. george covers his face with a hand. he should've known better than to trigger this. when he looks at melissa again, he finds himself face to face with a bored glare.


a beat, and then, "janine, hi."

janine rolls her eyes, picking herself up off the floor and tossing her hair.

"i'm guessing melissa told you that we were playing hide-and-seek?"

he nods dumbly. janine snorts, rolling her eyes again.

"i don't know if she'll ever learn that we're the same person."

george fidgets before opening his mouth again.

"how come when i said 'jeri' earlier, melissa didn't go away?"

janine yawns, stretching.

"maybe jeri's just tired. i don't really know, you know. jeri hides herself pretty deep in here. it's like a frickin' maze." she taps her head. "almost like that inception movie or whatever it was."

george sighs before heading back to the couch.

"who's down with her right now?"

janine cocks her head to the side, thinking a bit before flouncing over to the loveseat.



janine's face goes blank, head slumping forward.

"no! janine, come back!"

when janine's face rises, george doesn't like what he sees in her eyes. evil. pure evil.

"...are you eris?"

eris's head nods, waves rippling through her red hair.

"and if i'm not mistaken, you're george. jeri's wife."

george eyes her warily.

"she talk about me a lot down there?"

eris nods again, eyes flicking around the room.

"she says that you're a handsome man who is the most lovable thing ever. i think she really appreciates you dealing with all of us."

george combs a hand through his hair.

"yeah, it's an adventure."

eris falls silent, biting her lip. her eyes resurface, stormy this time.

"do you know who did that to her?"

he blinks confusedly.

"did what to her?"

"you know, made her this way?"

george just gapes.

"you don't know, do you?"

he shakes his head. eris snorts and gets up.

"you don't know half of what your wife is hiding."

she starts to walk out the door before george stops her.

"wait, eris. how many of you are in there?"

eris purses her lips, clearly in thought. she starts to count on her fingers, but eventually gives that up. she shrugs.

"dunno, georgie boy. she doesn't tell me much--says i'm much too angry. but she's not even the head honcho anymore. someone named myrian is." she shrugs again. "but good luck getting myrian to come out. she's been down there since this whole thing started. it's entirely possible that when you get jeri back, you might get myrian instead."

the door clicks open.

"in the meantime, i'm gonna go find out who did this to jeri and beat their ass."

george is left in silence as the door shuts.


  1. Wow, this is really interesting. I like how you took the idea of a split personality and pushed it further by making entirely different people out of it. Reminds me of Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde, but with a different feel. Poor George.

  2. thanks for the encouragement! i'm thinking that eventually someday i'll develop all of these short stories into maybe slightly longer short stories. and then make a book. :)


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