
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


outside is like candy, right now.

so seriously, this is the first time i can ever really say that it looks stunning outside.




so we already talked in class about how different perspectives really enhance our view on what exactly is going on in a story.


pss:stealin' the strawberries.

a/n: okay, finally trying my hand at something potentially more lighthearted and whatnot. we'll see how well this thingit goes.




so... today's my birthday. i'm legal now.

mobile8:fun words.

words are lots of fun! take, for instance, the technical term for excessive nose-picking: rhinotillexomania.



a/n: i have basically been listening to this song nonstop since last week. it's pretty much the best song ever, besides king of anything string version. also, i had to edit the lyrics i got a lot because people mishear things a lot.



a/n: wow, i'm sorry. i just honestly cannot write anything other than hurt slash angst slash heartbreak slash whatever. i should get better at that.


blog title.

so, 184 posts too late i shall explain my blog title. (also, excuse my inebriated state, it is late and my brain no longer functions in straight lines, not that it ever did really.)


writer's block.

so there has actually been a drought in creativity land. there has been nothing too exciting in my life to write about, nor have there been any extremely striking emotions that i feel the need to put into words. as a result, the blog has been quiet for the past couple of days...

if you are inspiration of any sort, won't you stay a while?
