
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!



so... see this post before reading. it's pretty much essential.
i thought i was special. exclusive, maybe. but of course i'm wrong.

he steers well clear of me, and is so physically comfortable with someone else. this is totally okay... but of course it hurts. ): 

it hurts when you think you're special and then you find out that in all reality... you aren't.

1 comment:

  1. Try to focus on the people you know you're special to. So what if he doesn't think you're special? Why does he get to decide?
    There are plenty of people who care about your well-being. Try to focus on their love and understanding.


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