
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


blog title.

so, 184 posts too late i shall explain my blog title. (also, excuse my inebriated state, it is late and my brain no longer functions in straight lines, not that it ever did really.)
empty.pages.full.of.words struck me as the perfect name for a writing blog, solely because (as we have learned), writers are slaves to the words that inspire them. an empty page actually may have something hidden within it. i remember hearing a story about some sculptor slash carver slash whatever-you-call-an-artist-who-works-with-the-souls-of-trees-i-mean-wood who told people that he saw figures stuck in the media, and it was his job to free them.

it's our jobs as writers to free the words that are locked within the empty pages that face us. in essence, our minds are like empty pages as well (tabula rasa? no pun intended, i promise. maybe.) and words and stories in there need to be freed and spoken about as well. sometimes, the thoughts flow beautifully and the piece comes out nicely, but other times those words come out as a jumbled mess and need to be refined.

so yeah, the reason why my blog's name is what it is is because (wow, that's a lot of "is" usage in one sentence) words are present in empty pages, and they need to be freed.

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