
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


characters - two halves of a whole.

the way i see it, every good character has their "accomplice."
every character has their own best friend, the one they can't be without. the one who complements them. and of course this draws its roots from real life. people have their besties, the ones that they can't be without. the ones with which they have an unspoken pact to always be with, whether it be on or off the "playing field."

1 comment:

  1. This may be true. However, some of the most truly fascinating characters seem to be the ones who are unique and stand alone. Or play off other characters, who are by no means their besties.


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