
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


brownies, cookies, and muse:tgif

i must say that this story has been my favorite so far. in a few words: they're ridiculous little kids, allowed to pass the harshest of judgments while suffering almost nothing. i think that was probably one of the points that drew me in to this story. it was the story of the stereotypical gang of girls. there were the leaders (arnetta and octavia), the reject (janice), the quiet one (daphne), the goodie-two-shoes (laurel, or snot). it was just so hilarious to read this story and just picture this group of small, rowdy girls thinking i'm gonna beat them up! and it just made me laugh a bunch.
favorite lines:

  • "...looking all around them like tourists determined to be dazzled." ("dazzle" is just a hilarious word to me simply because stephmeyer has made it so.)
  • "...and often these belts would become nature lessons in and of themselves. 'see... this one's made entirely from the feathers of baby pigeons.'" (great only because i thought she was trying to be hippie-like... but then realized that she wasn't. what kind of hippie would wear a belt made of baby pigeons?!)
  • "...all we ever do with Nature is find some twigs and say something like, 'wow, this fell from a tree.'" (this just sounds so little kid! i love it! i can also just picture her saying this. i'm pretty sure i'd be that snarky.)
  • "...and octavia would hotly whisper, 'mama,' in a way that meant: please don't talk about our problems in front of everyone please shut up." (why are they so snarky? why do i love them so much?!)
  • "...but everyone except me hated the song so much that they sang it like a maudlin record..." (don't even know what a maudlin record is, but knowing how kids can sing unenthusiastically, this is just hilarious.)
  • "'i'll brush my teeth two times if i don't have to sing 'the doughnut-'" (it just shows how much they don't want to sing it! oh little kids. you are so hilarious, snarky, and just overall hilarious. why can't you be like that in real life.)
and now a muse. :) inspired by last friday night (tgif) by katy perry. don't worry, it's not trashy. really.

it had been the wildest party in the history of wild parties. they had pulled up, loud and rowdy in front of a friend's house, ready for loud music, dancing, all sorts of teenage happenings. they weren't disappointed. some flailed their arms wildly, others danced like their lives depended on it. the world was them, and nothing but them. moving as a collective group, they had danced their hearts out into the early hours of the morning. then, they had run to the park just to relish the freedom of the open air, the softness of the grass beneath their feet, the silvery touch of the moonlight, the splash of water. and as the frenzy faded, they found themselves laying beneath the stars, watching as an occasional cloud would block out the beautiful mess of sparkling sugar sprinkled all across the heavens. it was friday, the end of the week, the end of another day, the start of the weekend, the start of something new. homework was a distant obstacle to be faced sunday night. it was friday, it was friends, it was. tgif.

1 comment:

  1. I had the opposite reaction. Like, it's actually hard to realistically imagine being so unreasonably mean to someone or a group of people, especially when they're still in the "D'aww they're so cute" stage. Then I was like, the world must suck, cause even the adults never grew out of it.



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