
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!



cs: character sketch!
today's activity was really fun. i really enjoyed it (and wish that prof cross had read mine... it was about andrea. i turned her into a celebrity, someone at a rodeo, a businesswoman, and yeah. i really wish she did.) and it was lots of fun picking up on the details about someone you already knew. let's see if i can do it for a created character. based off of someone? you'll have to guess. ;) jk, it might not be imaginary. based off a memory, how 'bout that.

he smiles, chirps something in a childish, petulant manner and returns to his work. a more serious matter arises and he responds in a low, gravelly voice. his smile is replaced by a stone face of stoicism. his dark eyes focus intently on the matter at hand. he catches his friend's eye from across the room and wiggles his fingers, eliciting a stifled giggle before returning his vision to the paper. his concentration is evident as a slight furrow appears in his brow. maybe he's looking at elaborate plans for a building, a complex equation, maybe a child's drawing. whatever it is, it holds his gaze for a while. he pulls his name-brand jacket closer around his body, adjusting the hood to hide his unruly hair. the tight jeans hide powerful legs, capable of bounding over long distances in seconds. perhaps in a past life he was the alpha male in a herd of deer or a pack of wolves. probably more likely a wolf, as he prefers to hover on the edge of the rest of our socializing. he watches intently, trying to make observations but never comes close, circling endlessly. the bell rings, but he takes no notice as the rest of his companions start to gather their belongings. at the sound of his name, he looks up to be greeted by arms on his head. his friend laughs lightly, contrasting the gravitas of his glare. as he carefully packs his books into his bag, his friend calls out for him again. he nods, and the friend flits out the door. he slips his backpack on and strides out of the room.

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