
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


giving thanks for thanksgiving.

i guess i should do a thanksgiving post... if i must. le sigh. (totally kidding.)

so in about 3 hours, i will be heading out to my relative's house to spend thanksgiving dinner with them. whoo, fun. especially since there are small children there. and even though they are my cousins, the small child oscillation scale still applies. although i cannot as easily go rat them out to my aunts and uncles. plus, i think i'm the oldest kid there this year, so... i definitely have no excuse. whoops.

but yeah. i'm thankful for family (most of the time), friends (y'all know who you are), the snow, and lots of other things. i don't think i could do what pink did because mine would be all super specific and y'alls would guess who is who in like all of negative 3 minutes. (that's right, that's how good you all are at guessing slash knowing who i'm blathering on about.) so. i shall do a big block post.

i'm so thankful for all of you. you keep me constantly on my toes as i keep thinking of ways to make you laugh. we've shared so many good memories, from watching movies to even the most mundane lunch conversations that leave us giggling (essentially, i was shagging his bawwwwls). thank you for putting up with my ridiculous singing of even more ridiculous songs, my not-so-often jerktasticness, my annoying tendencies (i don't wanna go to school, i don't wanna go to school!) my mope, my angst, and pretty much just all my crap. love to you all. :)

and i'm eternally thankful to God and all that He's been doing in my life. i know that none of my joys would be possible without Him.

so from me to all of you, a huge thank you, lots of love, and have a fantastic thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, every time I see a picture, my brain automatically thinks it should be of Big Bang :P

    I love you and am thankful for you too! Yeah, I don't like asian parties. I think I just broke some rule for saying that....


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