
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


hello, dol--oh, why are you the suck.

so as y'all probably know (maybe from facebook stalking) i went to the dol this morning to try and get my license. good news--passed the driving test! but only barely, i got an 80. mainly due to the fact that i we parked on a hill and i didn't notice. oops. definitely stoned outta my mind. but. we got inside and then i found out that i have to hold my permit for a whole 6 months before getting a license. so i get to trek out to the dol one more time (in about 3 weeks) to finalize this whole schpiel and then i'm done. which is awesome, but it made me so angry this morning. i was absolutely fuming--if you got in my way on my tromping out of the building, you would have ran. seriously.

but anyways. good news--i don't have to do my full 6 months. i only have to do about 2, and then i'm legal!

also, more good news--we have another blogger convert! this makes me super happy because then i don't have to worry about updating my tumblr account as much. which i don't, really, i just post links to connect people to this blog because it is prettier and also this is where i say most of my stuff. but yeah. it made me super excited. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm just surprised you didn't have to wait like 3 hours. I hate the afternoon rush at the DOL, it's like lol-you're-done-but-you-have-to-wait-5-kajillion-hours-before-you-can-talk-to-our-rep-for-five-minutes-to-leave.


love it? hate it?