
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


i love my (extended) family.

okay, i posted this here but was thinking about how to tie it into writing. i think i got it.

pink has been having insane character dialogues between herself and her main character. while she thinks this is crazy, i think it's great--it's only going to help her develop the character in her story very well. i should probably try and do the same with my characters to flesh them out and help them to find the right words in which to respond.

tying this in, characters should be a sort of extended family to the author, quite honestly. we should be able to know them on such a level that we know their exact mannerisms, their exact speech, and exactly how they act and feel. in some ways, you parent your character are best friends with your character to the point where you consider them family. now i'm not saying that you should go and ask your characters to counsel you on life's problems--they probably won't help you there since they are constructs of your imagination (and maybe sometimes your subconscious), but you need to know them well. when you're writing the story, the characters are your best friends, and you're simply telling their story through your eyes. you simply just happen to be playing god, and this is probably the best time to be doing so.

reward video for you guys for dealing with my three posts in one day. :D


  1. I don't wanna be friends with any of my characters. :(

  2. I JUST REALIZED THAT YOU REFER TO ME AS PINK. I was really confused as to who else talked to their character... :) I'm crazy.

    Also, best vid ever. about camels up hills and carribean priests.


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