
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


story planning.

now i am just being ludicrous and breaking 100 posts. this is totes ridonkulous, i'd like my life back please.
anyways, this is totally copying julia and posting my short story research online so that y'alls can get a sneak peek at what it's going to be about. hopefully, we don't go over my story last 'cuz then that's a Huge Responsibility that i probably cannot live up to. le sigh.

so, my story involves the court system. i have no knowledge of the court system. these notes are a courtesy of austin and julia. thanks a ton guys!
  • there's a court case. it is a civil case. meaning that there is a plaintiff, a defendant, attorneys for both, bailiff, and judge. 
  • dialogue i shall not post here, because it would take too many lines. but thank you so much austin for all of that!
  • the lawyers are (sometimes?) introduced to the jury. this is when the two characters (kayla and mira, you shall both be familiar with them. they are verse-y.) have their less-than-joyful reunion party. without the party. 
  • recess is the part of the trial where the judge announces that people are taking a break! like afternoon break, or breaking for lunch, or overnight. my title is a play on this word, and kayla knows the general plot already.
edit: this is also being posted on the separate page that my story will be on as soon as it is finished slash after my workshop day. slash whenever.


  1. You're going on the same day as me right? Let's just hope that people read my story first. And then is horrified and depressed because it is so terrible. And then they read yours and then it is awesome. And then they won't be depressed forever. It's like mind bleach.

    Okay, conclusion: you're not allowed to send out your story until I do :P

  2. hopefully i don't have to go last in the workshop--i don't want to be held to the role of grand finale.


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