
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


pss:good tidings we do not bring.

so this postsecret actually made me nearly start crying. ):
natalie sat alone at her cold, old, oaken kitchen table writing her christmas cards. she looked at the picture of her beautiful smile, her shoulder-length auburn hair tied off with a bow, all surrounded by the most beautiful autumn leaves that anyone had ever seen. normally, she had fun sending christmas cards. she would try and picture what people would say and react to, what exactly people would think. that was much more fun to do with an actual person than a stuffed moose doll. vance had been that person for her until that one night when he asked her to leave him alone. 

but i'm really not that messed up, i promise, she thought. and even if i am, you told me when we were little that we would get old and get married. what happened to that? what happened to best friends forever, what happened to friends no matter what?

she sighed again, brushing her tangled hair out of her eyes. she blinked, fiddling with her glasses before looking down at the address sheet. there was only one left--vance. natalie sat in silence, her lips pursed before an idea dawned on her. she scribbled a note on the picture along with an address on the back. at least that picture wouldn't go completely to waste.

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