
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


pss:not so between the lines.

ted's knuckles whiten on the wheel of his green prius. the person in the spot next to him either parked his car while drunk out of his mind or he has deliberately tried to take up two parking spots with his tiny, purple smart car. ted huffs angrily, eyebrows furrowing and his left foot digging into the car's floor mat. in a second, though, his face is lit up mischievously as enlightenment hits. 

gregory saunters out of the electronics store, the newest model of iphone in his hand. he's talking loudly on his bluetooth headset, obnoxiously pushing everyone in the crowds away from his intended path. it was good to be king of the world. and, by king of the world, he meant The First Person With The Newest iPhone. he now had bragging rights to wave the nifty little gadget in anyone's face and declare his superiority. it was the best way to feed his ego, really, though he viewed it more as an exercise in his better-ness. but his swagger stops immediately when he sees his car. a green prius has obnoxiously parked itself in such a manner that it allowed only about six inches between his awesome, purple smart car and the hulking, automotive mammoth. he growled. the only thing he could really do was wait for the owner of the prius to come out and move his car. 

ted flounces out of the grocery store, a brown bag balanced on his hip. he notices the fidgety businessman who has an obnoxious air all about him--the headpiece, iphone, and well-groomed hair are a tipoff. he gives a cheeky smile as he places his groceries in his car and agonizingly slowly pulls out of the parking lot. he smirks as he watches the businessman jump up and down in frustration as the green prius slowly slides onto the main road.


  1. have you heard the Sarah Bareilles song between the lines?

  2. yes! and no, this is not based off of it. but yeah, i have! have you heard her song "king of anything?" ahhhh she's awesome.


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