
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!



yet another year that i have to accustom myself to writing. i'm sure that half of my school papers will end up with a "10" on them instead of an "11." so, a couple things about writing and then some things not about writing.

writing portion first.
i realized today that even though a friendship might be on the rocks (or perceived to be), the bond between two individuals can be so strong that it keeps them together, even when human nature and our feelings dictate that we should've "broken up" a long time ago. and yes, i will say flat-out that this is from Real Life. the other thing--the fireworks at the space needle. while they were awesome, nobody really knew when it ended. the news cast hosts were like waiting for at least five seconds or so before coming in with an awkward, "wow, that was something!" and man, those were awkward, awkward seconds. if your story has awkward transitions like that, i urge you to look over them. make sure your ending feels and reads like an ending, and not just exists as an ending just because you stopped writing.

now things not about writing.
i graduate this year. craziness. i will undergo a radical mascot change over the summer (from canine to bird, whodathunk?), hopefully without losing too many colors. i mean, our school colors right now are blue and white, if the school mascot is a blue jay, then blue should be in the school colors somewhere, right?
second of all, i turn officially old in one month. oh my goodness. i will be able to do things no minor has done before! or, at least i'll be able to do them legally. and then some things will still be illegal. aka, i can't go to a bar just yet. or get my drank on. le darn.

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