
a warm welcome to the blog. here is where you can follow my thoughts and musings on the craft of creating a world from words. through the muses and stories, i hope that you'll be able to learn a little more about me. feel free to leave comments on the blog telling me what to improve, or what you liked. happy reading!


muse:i do/not.

this really has been lurking around in my head for far too long. i think it maybe has died up there and left this rotting corpse behind.


ideas, the second.

sorry, college life gets to me sometimes.
more ideas for stories!

  • character is invited to a wedding for an old flame
  • posthumous letters


muse:apples in the office.

this is just a random piece that came to me while listening to one of my coworkers eat an apple at his desk.


book:the particular sadness of lemon cake

so cross recommended this book to us, and i decided that i should read it. because it seems fun and quirky, like cross. and she is awesome. :)


pss:dating one person simultaneously.

a/n: so, this should be interesting as i'm not good at developing characters that are different from each other.


ideas and inspirations, 1/?

so i've got to write down my ideas and inspirations as they come to me, otherwise they will forever not be present in writing form.


as prompted by tumblr anon... (apbta): the importance of emotion. without explicit content.

 okay, yeah, without porn, you guys are funny. ;)

Write something in which I can get a feel for the character's mood without you explicitly stating it. Like, say you are, for whatever crazy reason, writing about a tweenager going to a Justine Beaver concert. She is excited, but nowhere in the story do you write: "I'm so excited!" she exclaimed. "OMG JUSTINE BEAVER THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER." Nowhere do you write, "Mommmm thank you sooooo muchhhhhh how did you know i loved justine beaver gweeehehee!?"(I know this is a bad example, because an unsubtle tweenager is VERY OOC)Anyways. Subtle description that conveys mood.You are not allowed to describe sadness because that is easy.

pss:it's a leg story, baby just say yes.

a/n: hey guys, i'm back. obviously here to make my friend feel bad about not writing. (no, i'm not. pick up a piece of paper and a pen and write away! pun intended.)


as prompted by tumblr anon... (apbta): the importance of setting. without flashbacks.

so... yeah. this is gonna be hard.
Pick a place. From your character's POV, describe it. The trick, though, is to show how important that place is to them using details. Avoid flashbacks.
my response first is what, how do you expect me to not use flashbacks. and then it's oh, you gave me a hint. here goes.


pss:love, ironically.

a/n: sorry i've been away for so long, life is just consuming me. oh, and senioritis is too.


mobile9:fun words, part 2/?

more fun words! callipygian means having fine, shapely buttocks. who knew.


outside is like candy, right now.

so seriously, this is the first time i can ever really say that it looks stunning outside.




so we already talked in class about how different perspectives really enhance our view on what exactly is going on in a story.


pss:stealin' the strawberries.

a/n: okay, finally trying my hand at something potentially more lighthearted and whatnot. we'll see how well this thingit goes.




so... today's my birthday. i'm legal now.

mobile8:fun words.

words are lots of fun! take, for instance, the technical term for excessive nose-picking: rhinotillexomania.



a/n: i have basically been listening to this song nonstop since last week. it's pretty much the best song ever, besides king of anything string version. also, i had to edit the lyrics i got a lot because people mishear things a lot.



a/n: wow, i'm sorry. i just honestly cannot write anything other than hurt slash angst slash heartbreak slash whatever. i should get better at that.


blog title.

so, 184 posts too late i shall explain my blog title. (also, excuse my inebriated state, it is late and my brain no longer functions in straight lines, not that it ever did really.)


writer's block.

so there has actually been a drought in creativity land. there has been nothing too exciting in my life to write about, nor have there been any extremely striking emotions that i feel the need to put into words. as a result, the blog has been quiet for the past couple of days...

if you are inspiration of any sort, won't you stay a while?



culture references.

really, i know music so well. and by music, i mean pop music. i'm sure if you say any cliche phrase or whatever, you'll cue some song running through my head.


pss:right back to square one.

a/n: so this is a different sort of pss. some people send in e-mails, so i'm using one of those this time instead of the photo of the postcard.

prompt: i'm afraid that i'll lose one of the best friends that i've ever had. just because i can't say hi to him outside of school when we see each other in person.


muse:v is for vixen.

a/n: y'all can guess at what inspired this story. but even if you guess it, i'm not tellin'.


you know that awkward moment when someone unexpectedly chokes you?

found here. these are my two favorite characters on the show, shawn spencer (right) and carlton lassiter (left). their interaction and relationship dynamic is just so hilarious. 

ah, the boys


ep:oscillating mess.

some children asked what "ep" meant. it is an acronym for "emotion pile." most of my writing is based on things in my own life and the emotions that stem from them. the emotion pile is just where these come out completely raw and zero percent filtered.



a/n: sorry for being so inconsistent with the postsecret stories! some weeks it is just hard to find one that isn't too overly depressing and whatnot to write about. i can't really exactly write a story from the silly ones, although i promise i shall try. one day.
but in the meantime, enjoy the schmoop.



now, even after i've written my story, i'm not entirely sure what my style is.


normally, i read through everyone's blog posts. normally, i enjoy doing this--it's fun to see what's going on in everyone's heads. organic flow is beautiful to read.
disclaimer: my opinion is in this post, so feel free to ignore it. i'm serious. please don't get angry at me, this is the way i view things. it's not the be-all end-all. you all have been awesome.


making of:the longest recess.

aside from being based in the junoverse, the story of "the longest recess" comes from a mix of punnery and real life experience.


muse:please don't end.

a/n: i was inspired by diane's msn status. it was really powerful.


you've got opinions man! we're all entitled to 'em, but i never asked. so let me thank you for your time and try not to waste any more of mine... get outta here fast. 

it's amazing how much this simple line from sara bareilles' "king of anything" relates to workshop comments. and just everything in general. we should all respect each other's opinions, know which ones don't really matter, and filter them out. because ultimately you are the writer, and you decide and determine what goes in and what doesn't make the cut. 





ummm... so there seem to be Things going on.


the long, bamboo bookmark flashes through the air as i swivel it between my fingers, up and down. the old blue ribbon wrapped around the stick is slowly unraveling, its fibers sticking out at awkward angles with an uncannily high number of independent threads. the name of a country is painted onto the wood, the memory of a journey imbued in the foreign wood. i drop the bookmark back into the crease of the book i'm reading and let the nostalgic bamboo stick take me back into its past, its story. the lights around me continue to glow softly as i let myself slip into a deep slumber, punctuated by the glimpses of a life past.

muse:the things he carries.

wow, i haven't done one of these in a while. do i even have any muses for the new year?


moore on style - vissi d'arte.

please note, i have no idea how to actually pronounce that title. i thought it was french, but i thought wrong.


recess is over. it was hard work.

that's right, y'all heard correctly. "the longest recess," my official first short story, is completed.

returning a favor...

so apparently, i have been linked to A Thing. and i am returning the favor because i want more viewershippppp.


the writing life, chapter three.

so this chapter was actually a ton of fun and made me lol many times.

the longest recess is almost done.

that's right kids, my first "official" short story will be up soon. come tuesday night or so, it shall be posted at the top in the tabs bar. look forward to it!

pss:ebay, the best revenge.

a/n: i think i'm getting progressively worse at writing these thingits. this one looked fun... mao mao.


my entry.

so my contest entry is a tab at the top of the page, if you haven't seen it already.

of titles and things.

it seems to be a trend in the y-chromosome population of the class to have no title. some of the stories so far have had titles, and then now, a lot of them don't. some stories i'm able to help with a title (such as david's "purgatorio del mare" [purgatory of the sea] and john's "checkmate") but yeah. and don't get me wrong, it's hard to come up with a title.

for my story, it wasn't hard really. kayla and i discussed the relative outline of the story and the title was where we started. it all expounded from there... so it really depends when you name your story.



sometimes, you make me smile
others, you make me laugh
sometimes, you just make my day
and i spend all night just basking in the happiness.
sometimes, you make me cry
others, you make my heart ache
sometimes, you just ruin my day
and i spend all night just hurting in the dark.

stories of today.

so just a random little post to say that i really think that "chess" should be retitled as "checkmate." winning that trophy was the character's final move, and everything else up to that point was "just a game" where he lost so many pieces, hated the game, and eventually ended up winning.


pss:bye, freak.

a/n: my first try at an angry piece. let me know what you think.


okay, no, not the type of brotherhood that goes around assassinating people or anything, but a TRIAD. and by that, i also do not mean the chinese mafia. nope, nothing like that at all. ...although half of the triad is chinese if that counts for anything.


mobile7:awkward dinner with the inlaws.

as i kept saying before, i can't really write anything without experiencing it myself.


yet another year that i have to accustom myself to writing. i'm sure that half of my school papers will end up with a "10" on them instead of an "11." so, a couple things about writing and then some things not about writing.